Yesterday, on June 23, 2021, marked the end of the of the Greater Aleunnic War where the Rhode Island possessions of the Great Lawl Reich were seceded to the Reunited Ocean States and the Aleunnic Workers' Republic.
The Greater Aleunnic War began when the Reunited Ocean States declared war on the Great Lawl Reich in order to reclaim Yeno on January 31, 2021. On the same day, the Aleunnic Workers' Republic and Tueoedeth declared war on the Great Lawl Reich. On February 2, Faltree declared war on the Great Lawl Reich.
Military conflicts began on March 28, where the Reunited Ocean States invaded and occupied the Tzardom of Yeno under the name of Operation Slin. Ausveria would then declare war on the Great Lawl Reich on April 22. On May 1, the Aleunnic Workers' Republic launched the May Day Offensive where the Aleunnic Czardom and the Csardom of Aquariana were invaded and occupied.
Other nations were involved in the war, such as the Latalle Monarchy and the Federal States of Delphia. The 2nd Ocean States-Latalle War occurred from April 14 to April 24 where the Latalle Monarchy attempted to secede from the Reunited Ocean States but ultimately surrendered. The Reunited Ocean States declared war on Delphia on May 3 due to Delphia refusing to return Fort Inter, a territory given to Delphia by the United Ocean States, back to the Reunited Ocean States. The Reunited Ocean States invaded and occupied Fort Inter on May 10.
The war ended with the Reunited Ocean States on June 5 where the Great Lawl Reich and Delphia returned the territories that was gifted to them by the United Ocean States back to the Reunited Ocean States. Then on June 23, the Great Lawl Reich signed a peace treaty with Faltree, the Aleunnic Workers' Republic, Tueoedeth, and Ausveria where the Aleunnic Czardom and the Aleunnic-Aquarian Condominium were seceded to the Aleunnic Workers' Republic, thus marking the end to the Great Aleunnic War.
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