Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Two New Acts and a Imperial Edict Passed

On September 2, 2020, the Great Lawl Reich passed two Acts and a Imperial Edict.

The first Act passed was the Third Reich National Flag Act, where the Great Lawl Reich and Its Territories adopted a new Coat of Arms, and South Yeno adopts a new Flag.

New Coat of Arms of the Great Lawl Reich and other Territories

New Coat of Arms of the Tsardom of Oblea

New Coat of Arms of the Tsardom and Reich Protectorate of Bolson

New Coat of Arms of the Kyngdom of New Slin

New Coat of Arms of South Yeno

New Flag of South Yeno

The second Act passed was the Yeno Unification Act. In the Yeno Unification Act, New Slin and South Yeno unite into the Tzardom of Yeno. Yeno was made into an Dependency of the Great Lawl Reich. South Yeno also became the Kingdom of South Yeno. New Slin and South Yeno were made into States of Yeno, but they only have ceremonial powers. The Act also established the position of Viceroy/Vicereine and Governor-General of Yeno and suspended the position of Vyceroy/Vycereine of New Slin.

Flag of the Tzardom of Yeno
Coat of Arms of the Tzardom of Yeno

The Imperial Edict dealt with the titles and styles used in the Great Lawl Reich. It confirmed some titles and styles and edited some. The title of Tsar of the Obleans was changed to the Tsar of Oblea. The Edict established three ranks for Tsar. The three ranks were Augustus, Caesar, and Rex. The rank of Augustus was equal to Emperor, the rank of Caesar was equal to Junior Emperor, and the rank of Rex was equal to King.

The ranks for the titles used in the Great Lawl Reich are as follows:

Augustus rank: Tsar of the Great Lawl Reich

Caesar rank: Tsar of Butugychag, Tzar of Yeno

Rex rank: Tsar and Reich Protectorate of Bolson, Tsar of Oblea

The Edict also confirmed the full title and style of the Monarch of the Great Lawl Reich. In the Edict, the different spellings of Tsar and Tsaritsa would be rendered as such in the full title and style, so the title of Tzar of Yeno would be rendered as Tsar of Yeno. Also, the title of Kyng of New Slin is rendered as King of New Slin in the full title and style.

The Tsar of the Great Lawl Reich, as well of his descendants, could use the surname Caesar (Caesarina if female) in the Great Lawl Reich and other Micronations.

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