Today, on August 31st, The Great Lawl Reich and the Regulators' Republic of Francia made an agreement to transfer the Oblea Province to the Great Lawl Reich. Seconds after Tsar Stefan signed the Treaty, he formed the Tsardom of Oblea.
Oblea was previously a Province of Francia where Tsar Stefan used to be the Governor of Oblea. After when the Tsar abdicated from the Francian throne, he resigned as Governor of the Province. On the 28th of August, The Tsar asked the Leader of Francia, Francis McLaughlin, about Oblea. Francis replied that he thought that Oblea was apart of the Great Lawl Reich. Tsar Stefan proposed that Francia transfer sovereignty Oblea to the Great Lawl Reich, which Francis McLaughlin agreed to.
On August 31, the two Leaders signed the Oblean Territorial Exchange Treaty where Francia succeeds Oblea to the Great Lawl Reich. After signing the Treaty, Tsar Stefan passed the Tsardom of Oblea Act where the Oblea Province became the Tsardom of Oblea. The Tsardom of Oblea was established as a Dependency of the Great Lawl Reich. Tsar Stefan proclaimed himself Tsar of the Obleans. Tsar Stefan seceded most of the Territory of Oblea back to the United Kingdom as the Territory was too large to be enforced, leaving the Territory of the Tsardom located in a park. He also abolished all previous Governmental offices as Oblea is no longer a Province.
The Tsardom of Oblea is around 0.022 Hectares.